Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Snoring Relief Pack

Many of you have been waiting to hear about these snoring relief packs......so, after doing some research & testing these out, I have some great news!!!  These little packs (approx 5"x5") will bring you relief! Just microwave for about 30 seconds (don't overheat, or they will "pop" and smell burnt!! :( yuck!!), and stick inside your pillowcase, near your head.  You'll have a great night's sleep~and so will your cuddle buddy!!

These are all natural!!

Who's been woken up by loud, obnoxious snoring, only to not be able to get back to sleep??  I've heard stories from people about their "cure" for this~they smack, kick, yank the pillow out from under their hubby's head.....and while these are all funny, they hardly HELP you sleep better! LOL!!!

These packs also help to reduce stress, inflammation, respiratory disorders & coughs! (My daughter has been coughing for weeks~I'm trying it tonight for her coughing.....)

Feeling nauseous??  Traveling??  Stick this little pack in your purse/carry-on, and if you're feeling icky, or sense a headache coming on, take it out & take a wiff ;)

And the very best news???  They're inexpensive & cute!  Regular price will be $6.50, but if you order between now & Friday (before 10/9/09), they're only $4.50 each!!!!!!  So, give it a try & let me know how it works!

**Storing~keep these in a plastic baggie in the freezer to prolong their effectiveness!

**To Order~Email me with how many you'd like, and if you're local, you can pay me when you pick them up! If not, I can email you an invoice! sarahlegare@hotmail.com

These will be available in a multitude of fabric choices! If you have a strong preference
as to colors & patterns, I will try to accommodate you! Otherwise, you will receive whatever
I currently have in stock~which will be much easier/faster to fill your order!!

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